never before occurred to me to connect Gertrude Stein with Emily
Dickinson. While I am not an expert on
either, I am still familiar with both, and have read a few pieces from each
one. That said, I am really only familiar
with a few of Emily Dickinson’s more popular poems, and I don’t have very much
information on what other kinds of writing she did aside from those. As for Gertrude Stein, I must admit I am not
really a fan of her work, and so my exposure to it is rather limited in
scope. However, the texts of hers that I
have read were analyzed in depth, so I have always felt like I had a decent
idea of what she was about.
though, the two have a lot more in common than I had originally thought they
did. Reading Susan Howe's My Emily Dickinson revealed a lot of information about her that I did not already know about. I find it incredibly interesting that she was able to accomplish so much towards exploring the difficulties of the writing of her time, yet this is a very unknown facet to her writing. I really look forward to learning more.
Good, say more, (see orig. assignment)... 5/10